Owning feedback

Owning feedback

"We each have two human needs: To learn and grow; and to be respected and accepted the way we are. Even though feedback facilitates learning and growth, it conflicts with our need to feel respected. This is a key reason we resist it." — Sheila Heen, Thanks for the Feedback
Personal Effectiveness
Thursday 24 April
9:30am11:00amUK time

By the end of this session you'll feel more confident and capable to give and receive performance enhancing feedback, in all kinds of relationships.

In modern working cultures, feedback is a must-have; something we must continually improve our ability to give and receive effectively and within all kinds of relationships.

But often feedback is handled badly; infrequently, too formally, framed in the wrong way, not rooted in real observation and impossible to 'isolate' and act on. And so it's no surprise that this can have negative consequences. Points of view get muddled, identities challenged, emotions triggered and relationships rocked.

Key to our individual and collective success will be getting into the habit of giving and getting purposeful and performance enhancing feedback in the right way and at the right times. And that's exactly what we'll be focussing on in this practical and collaborative session.

What we'll cover:

• Feedback blockers
• Strengths based approaches

• Positivity ratios
• The BID model (Behaviour > Impact > Dialogue)
• Ways to pull in the specific feedback you need
• Managing emotional triggers

FTL friday 0007
Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone's excellent read, from which we reference the three 'Emotional Triggers'

How the session will be structured:

Led by a YCN coach-facilitator, we'll mix sharing proven principles (and the science behind them) with individual activities, collective discussion and some small breakout group exercises too.

Thursday 24 April
9:30am11:00amUK time
Owning Feedback: Resource Pack
Owning Feedback: Resource Pack

Delve into some of the thinking, sources and resources that support and shape the workshop — excellent for priming your thinking in advance, and for revisiting the core of what's covered and sharing onwards in your teams.

See the Resource Pack