Micro-learning: The Art of Noticing

"Pay attention. Attention is vitality, it connects you with others. It makes you eager."
The Art of Noticing. Five days of micro-learning experiments
Our attention is a really precious resource, and one that's all too easy to waste. And when we actively build our attention, treating it like a muscle we can strengthen, we're more likely to find focus, spot the signal in the noise, think more clearly, feel more creative and notice opportunities that could otherwise have gone missed.
And that's what this Art of Noticing micro-learning course is all about. Sign up and you'll receive 5 short and simple experiments, one shared direct to your inbox each morning across the working week — and each with a simple, and curiosity inducing activity to give a go that day. They're designed by some of the most creative and mindful thinkers in the business, keen to give your attention an invigorating work out. Just think what you could be missing?
It pays to pay attention!
In his wonderful book, The Art of Noticing, Rob Walker describes the ability to pay attention (and becoming what Saul Bellow described as a 'first class noticer') as being a 'pretty vital skill' for anyone involved in any creative act. And with creativity and the ability to 'think differently' becoming fundamental to so much of our daily doing, 'noticing how we notice' feels like a skill we should all be finding time to practice.
Practice for perspective
Indeed big businesses are investing significant time and money to help their teams better attune to the opportunities around them, defeating the continual temptations of distraction; in pursuit of greater productivity and creativity. Google's Search Inside Yourself programme is an interesting example of this; something that began inside the tech giant and now expanded to be an open and public initiative arming curious minds with tools and techniques for mindfulness and meditation.
When we intentionally pay attention, and practice our ability to notice in active and purposeful ways, we help ourselves develop ever unique and interesting perspectives. Perspectives that we can apply in our work, and share with others too.